Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My mom thinks Tom Cruise is the anti-Christ?

When did we stop caring about being stewards of the environment. It's like we want to please our selves and damn the cost. I was reading today that the biggest habitat for Manatee natural habitat (Florida). There are on average (last time anyone checked) around 600,000 sport utility boats along Florida?s coast. There are fewer than 1,800 manatee?s remaining around Florida?s cost. There are approximately 3,000 West Indian manatees left in the United States. Most manatee moralities are human-related. Most human-related manatee moralities occur from collisions with watercraft. Other causes of human-related manatee moralities include being crushed and/or drowned in canal locks and flood control structures; ingestion of fish hooks, litter and monofilament line; and entanglement in crab trap lines. Ultimately, however, loss of habitat is the most serious threat facing manatees today. This is just one creature that has suffered b/c of our ancestors. Check out to find out what you can do. By the way, I think my mom thinks Tom Cruise is the anti-Christ. Not really, but she really doesn?t like that guy. Does any anybody else?s mom or wife feel this way?


::athada:: said...

#1) Please separate your thoughts in different posts! Manatees and Tom Cruise?

#2) Glad to hear about your environmentalism. You are a true "conserve-ative" in that regard, as am I. Keep the conversation going... how does your faith affect your environment in Michigan, by your daily actions or non-actions?

Vitamin Nate said...

That?s one thing I love about you Adam, you always make it personal and force others to continually internalize and mull over there outward expressions. I am not sure though if your question was rhetorical or not, so I am going to assume it was.

::athada:: said...

Not rhetorical, you're not off that easy. Please explain yourself, ala #2.

Vitamin Nate said...

HaHa! Thanks for the memories Joe, but no more putting words in my mouth. By the way, Thanks to you I still recycle paper, plastic, and glass. And this just in... I grow Trees. I planted ten trees today that I have been nursing on my back porch. Some of that environmentalist stemmed from conversations with you. And hey Adam, what do you mean ala #2...not happy about that.