Saturday, August 12, 2006


...involves doing the right thing every opportunity a thousand times a day. Talk is cheap if we don't follow it up when no one is watching. I think this is tougher than it sounds, because the "right thing" may not be so clear all the time. Sure, some things are black or white. Others though are nine hundred shades of gray. We do a disservice by saying "Just follow Jesus" and then we think magically all problems become easy. No, it doesn't work like this. The famous behavioral psychologist Dr. Skinner made this apparent in his tests with a pidgin and a skinner box (later replicated a hundred different ways). He was able to prove that our seemingly complex actions are composed of behavioral reinforcements and triggers that shape our actions. Does this mean that holiness is a command that is easier to follow when were younger and in some ways can become habitually? Hmmmm

1 comment:

Tim said...

I wonder ... is holiness something we want to become habitual?