Wednesday, August 30, 2006

what are the points at which satan temps us?

My lifestyle has changed this summer. I believe that we as believers have so much more responsibility than just hanging out with friends and socializing. We have such a greater calling on our lives. Our pleasure can not be the only answer to life, for pleasure is fleeting. Lenord Griffith in his book titled ?God?s time and ours? states that ?Satan Temps us at the point of our physical needs. Not that we might gratify them to excess, but that we may think of nothing else and gratify them at the expense of our usefulness in this world. Satan temps us at the point of our ambitions. Not that we might engage in positive evil, but simply except the fact of evil, learn to live with it, come to terms with it and maintain a discrete silence in the presence of it. Satan temps us at the point of our religion. Not that we might disbelieve in God, but that we might demand certainty, that kind of certainty that leaves nothing to faith, nothing to God Himself. These are the moral struggles that have reality for people such as we are. The subtle temptations to renounce our duty in favor of what is attractive, that insidious allurement to a kind of a half goodness which is the essence of everything bad. And which is more productive of suffering and hatred, war and misery in this world than all the desires of wicked and greedy people combined?. Isn?t that statement challenging? I love it!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Thoughts on other religions...

When Gahndie was asked what he thought about Christianity, he responded, ?I like their Christ, but I don?t like their Christians. When I think of a Christian I see a mug of beer in one hand and a gunboat under their feet?. In context, Gahndie was referring to what he thought of the missionaries of his day in age. In all seriousness, this statement has certain implications that I want to draw out. One is the issue of drinking. I have friends of different faiths, and some of them (Hindus and Muslims in particular) refrain from drinking. Since I have been home, I have had no problem with a beer here or a glass of wine there (to put your fears at rest, it?s never in excess). The bible does not preache alcoholic abstinence as some in my past have lead me to believe, but it does preach against excess & impairment of the body (keep in mind that our Savior not only drank wine, but he made it as well, that was his first miracle.) In order to reach my friends though, perhaps abstinence is something I should consider (just as Paul became all things to all people so that they might be saved). Along a different religious thought, we are approaching Ramadan very soon. This is a muslim?s time of fasting and trying to be a better person (learn more at . I am considering joining the Muslim faith in this fast. I do not join to desire try to become a better person person, Only Christ through me makes that possible. Instead I join to share in their emphasis on the poor and hurting in our world. The fast lasts every day in September from sunup till sundown and is supposed to continually remind the person of the plight of the poor. I feel that this issue is something I could definitely continually be reminded of. Last thought, if you are witnessing to a Muslim or a Hindu, please remember that you are going to have to convince him that you love him for who he or she is and not for something your trying to manipulate him or her into. A lesson learned you could say. Rememberm, the only way to overcome others stigma is with genuine Christian Love.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My mom thinks Tom Cruise is the anti-Christ?

When did we stop caring about being stewards of the environment. It's like we want to please our selves and damn the cost. I was reading today that the biggest habitat for Manatee natural habitat (Florida). There are on average (last time anyone checked) around 600,000 sport utility boats along Florida?s coast. There are fewer than 1,800 manatee?s remaining around Florida?s cost. There are approximately 3,000 West Indian manatees left in the United States. Most manatee moralities are human-related. Most human-related manatee moralities occur from collisions with watercraft. Other causes of human-related manatee moralities include being crushed and/or drowned in canal locks and flood control structures; ingestion of fish hooks, litter and monofilament line; and entanglement in crab trap lines. Ultimately, however, loss of habitat is the most serious threat facing manatees today. This is just one creature that has suffered b/c of our ancestors. Check out to find out what you can do. By the way, I think my mom thinks Tom Cruise is the anti-Christ. Not really, but she really doesn?t like that guy. Does any anybody else?s mom or wife feel this way?

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The So Called Experts...

In 1965 the President of the United States, Lyndon B. Johnson, made a pompous statement that "So here is the Great Society. It's the time- and it's going to be soon- when nobody in this country is poor." It's interesting than that an estimated 842,000 adults and children are homeless in a given week, with that number swelling to as many as 3.5 million over the course of a year ( The president of the United States; Grover Cleveland, in 1905 stated that "Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote. The relative positions to be assumed by man and women in the working out of our civilization were assigned long ago by a higher intelligence than ours." It safe to say now that that's bogus. I am perplexed when individuals quote Genesis 3:16 to prove such a case. "To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Last time I checked, the following was a curse of the fall, and not how we were intentionally supposed to live. The American industrialist and humanitarian in the 1900 stated that "To kill a man will be considers as disgusting (in the twentieth century) as we in this day consider it disgusting to eat one." Hmm, and yet the muder ratio in the United States is highest among all developed countries, around 5.5 (, with rates in major cities sometimes over 50 per 100,000.

What are some other predictions the "experts" or higher ups" have made?
Harry M. Warner, who was president of Warner Brothers Pictures in 1927 said "Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?"
The President of the United states in 1876 (Rutherford B. Hayes) commented after participating in a trial telephone conversation stated "That's an amazing invention, but who would ever want to use one of them?"
Richard M. Nixon in 1973 proposed that "By 1980 we will be self-sufficient and will not need to rely on foreign enemies...uh, energy."
Dr. Dionysus Lardner (1793-1859) was a professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy at University College, London. When posed a question about the train, stated that "Rail travel at high speed is not possible because passengers, unable to breath, would die of asphyxia."

Be careful when you trust what the "experts" or what people in authority positions state. There are many who would seek to disprove the scriptures statements, but History reveals that humanity is shown to be the fools. 2 Corinthians 3-5 state that "And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. If the Lord is truth and there blinded by him, I would say they are blinded by truth. If that's the case, and many are just feeling around in the dark, then don't be supprised when they grab a theory and then declare it a sound one. Just as if I was in a pitch black room, I would begin feeling around for something to trust in. If I found something that seemed sturdy enough at a quick glance, I may end up trusting in that thing to support me. Sadly, for some it will be the end before there "stick breaks", and they will not know they were on the wrong side.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Do I really care about the Middle East?

Lebanese Internal Security Forces have reported 989 fatalities in Lebanon and Israel Defense Forces have claimed at least 159 deaths in Israel since the conflict began July 12. ( How does that make you feel? Does it enrage you? Does it break your heart? Or like me, can you easily find yourself numb to the widespread hurting, especially with constant conflict in the Middle East. With the media pouring images into our home, we can easily become desensitized to all the violence going on in our World today. We can easily dismiss it as distant, and feel powerless to do anything. Do not believe that lie from Hell, for we are far from powerless, we can offer support.
If claim to be a Christian, then I am primarily addressing you. As representatives of the Church of Christ, I think we need to offer both financial support and prayer to the violence we see. In Issues like these I feel that the church should be in the lead with giving in aid, and loudest in crying out for peace.
What if instead of the Lebanese president thanking the Iranian?s for their support, they were thanking the followers of Jesus from around the world? According to Barna polls, 45% of US adults claim to be born again in Christ ( How come there are not even 25% of US adults desiring to aid Bothers in Sisters in Christ over in Lebanon and Israel? How does that 45% feel when fellow Christian?s (let alone anyone?s) homes are flatten in Yaroun and their lives are lost? The Greek Orthodox Church in Yaroun had there confessional pushed against the main door for protection. Muslims and Christians both had taken shelter there. Their roof was pierced in many places by artillery shells. ( do we feel when a Hezbollah rocket strike hit?s the Israeli town of Nazareth, wounding 12 and killing two children. Nazareth is mostly populated with Muslims and Christians. Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ from the Middle East need aid. "Two distinct historical experiences characterize the native Christian communities of the Middle East and Arab world: the dhimmi and the free. Over 90 percent of the ten million or so Christians of Arab lands are dhimmis and have never known a free and equal and dignified existence. They include the Copts of Egypt, the Christians of Syria and Iraq, and Palestinian Christians. The remainder-mainly in Lebanon-have managed to resist dhimmitude and remain free, though at a great cost to themselves. Today, they are freer than all other indigenous Christians of the region despite everything that has happened in Lebanon over the past quarter century. But though free they are nevertheless increasingly embattled, isolated, neglected, and marginalized. They live under the combined pressures of Syrian occupation, the armed state-within-a-state of the Iran-backed Hezbollah, demographic decline, deteriorating economic conditions, the suspension of the Middle East peace process, and general Western (particularly American) neglect."
Please, let us not neglect those who are suffering in Lebanon, Israel, and the Middle East. Pray for continued peace and that both sides can be free from fear. If you are willing to donate, click on this link. Word Vision is currently aiding the more than a million who have suffered injuries or have found themselves misplaced from where they once called home. In the beginning of this writing, I proposed the question of how the loss of life made you feel? Has it changed anything in your life? Are your prayers still "you" focused? Are you content remaining comfortable and safe while those distantly from you suffer? If so, then you should be more afraid than most, for your heart has grown cold my friend. A condition that may mean your faith is dead (James 2:14-26), and possibly your soul (Luke 7:50), (John 14:12) (Romans 1:17; 3:28).

Saturday, August 12, 2006


...involves doing the right thing every opportunity a thousand times a day. Talk is cheap if we don't follow it up when no one is watching. I think this is tougher than it sounds, because the "right thing" may not be so clear all the time. Sure, some things are black or white. Others though are nine hundred shades of gray. We do a disservice by saying "Just follow Jesus" and then we think magically all problems become easy. No, it doesn't work like this. The famous behavioral psychologist Dr. Skinner made this apparent in his tests with a pidgin and a skinner box (later replicated a hundred different ways). He was able to prove that our seemingly complex actions are composed of behavioral reinforcements and triggers that shape our actions. Does this mean that holiness is a command that is easier to follow when were younger and in some ways can become habitually? Hmmmm

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Edge

He stepped up to the red rocky cliff and looked out on the vast menacing canyon below. The view shared a striking resemblance to the badlands that he had seen as a kid in Arizona. He couldn?t help but ponder where life?s journey had thus far taken him. He chuckled to himself as he remembered a saying a friend often said; "It?s called Present because each day is a gift from God". "If that?s true," he said, "I am really not sure what to do with His gift". Truthfully, he could think of a number of things that he could do with this "present", and yet they all seem to fall short. He then laughed a nervous laugh at the pun he just made. He did seem to feel a deep chasm in his heart A chasm that he was now responsible for. Through growing up, he has found that he could rely on others to spur on his walk with Jesus Christ. In High School when he first met Jesus, it was through the youth group retreats, weekly gatherings and prayer meetings that he would stay encouraged in his faith. Then in college he was surrounded with encouragement. He witnessed many who were so in love with their Maker, and he saw this lived out. But now his relationship with them had changed. He would no longer see those same people on a daily basis, or even a monthly basis any more. Now he went from having everyone to no one. Of course things weren?t as bleak as this picture his mind painted for him, but isn?t the reality that we know through our mind?s eye. And further more, isn?t out decisions and moods therefore vulnerable to our mind?s chemical state. Perhaps with a little more serotonin in his amygdale would prevent him from asking such questions. Then he would remain as high as a kite. "But what goes up must come down" he told himself. He reminded himself that it was in the valleys of this life that he had formed who he was and especially his attachment to God. He knew this wasn?t about the chemical processes in his head, even if they were responsible for what was taking place right then. This was about a choice. This September he would have no Indiana Wesleyan University. He would have no "Spring Summit" to rekindle that purifying fire within. He would not have such an abundance of friends to pour into him what he desperately longed for. There was no doubt that he still needed the Body of Christ, this was for sure. But now it was his turn, his part to play.
He looked back at the winding road he had traveled to come up to this cliff. It seemed long, but that was deceptive and he knew that the trail ahead would be much longer. Then he looked to the sides of him. He noticed a path shortly east of his position along the cliff. The path traveled alongside this menacing chasm, you could get the feel of the great divide without falling into it. The path seemed like it had been traveled often. He sighed in a tired expression and removed his backpack and set it on rock beside him. In it he had all he needed to survive on the journey. Sadly, he had already learned that he wasn?t able to take it with him. There were other packs there too. A variety of different hiking packs; some were larger, others more colorful. It would seem their owners also learned that non-of this mattered, since the pack can no go with them. He stepped back from the ledge as thoughts went racing in his head. There was still so much to do, so much he wanted to know. And yet, he felt that all events in his life were experiencing a culmination at this moment. It was like they had been quizzes that were all leading up to this final test. Quizzes that were preparing him for this day. He stepped back farther from the ledge and pondered some more. He knew it was pointless to try anymore. Trying just didn?t work. He wasn?t strong enough to try the rest of his life. "Try to grow closer to God?" No, trying was impossibility, it could not be done. He would have to surrender everything, even the act of trying. "I need you!" he bursts out from the deep chasm in his heart, stepped back a little bit more, and then lunged forward. His breaths became gasps and air flowed through his hair and around his body as he sprinted towards the edge of the cliff. He ran with as much strength as he could muster towards the cliff. When he reached the cliff, he had no time to hesitate. Instead he thrusts his legs out from the rocks, propelling him horizontally as he fell vertically. As tears formed in his eyes from the sharp wind cutting around his face he thought, "I?ve done my part, it?s your turn Jesus".