Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ideology, Philosophy , Complementarianism, Chauvinism, Christian Egalitarianism...?

Democrat or Republican? Progressive or Conservative? Radical or Moderate?

I always grew up hearing the term Conservative Christian, yet was unsure of the terms meaning. Conservatism is the belief that traditional institutions work best and that society should avoid radical change. The root word is Latin and means, “to preserve”.
A religious conservative seeks to apply the teachings of particular ideologies to politics. Ideally for the Conservative Christian, this would be the ideology of Jesus Christ. It’s important to note there exists a distinction between religious conservatism and its more radical extension. Radical religious conservatism generally sees the status quo as corrupted by abuses, corruption, or heresy. Similar phenomena have arisen in a large percentage of the world's religions today. The modern Western society that has inadvertadly pushed it’s value system has triggered many violent cultural collisions with traditional societies in question for the past 500 years.

Sometimes religious conservatism ( may find itself at odds with today’s culture. This is often a good thing. However, not all firmly held beliefs should be maintained. For instance, some would have been called conservative Christians were against the freedom of slaves. For such people this was a Progressive act. Progressivism is often viewed in opposition to conservative. Progressivism is a political attitude favoring or advocating changes or reform. The Progressive movement began in cities with settlement workers and reformers who were interested in helping those facing harsh conditions at home and at work. The reformers spoke out about the need for laws regulating tenement housing and child labor. They also called for better working condition for women. Typically today the term is associated with left wing politics. “In the late 19th century into the 20th century in reference to a more general response to the vast changes brought by industrialization: an alternative to both the traditional conservative response to social and economic issues and to the various more radical streams of socialism and anarchism which opposed them.” (

I have hence learned that I too am a Conservative Christian in the sense that I seek a partial return to the way things were in the Body of Christ. In part, because I wish we had the social message and radical ideology, the unwavering faith and call to the broken that existed in the Way (early Christian Sect, not to be confused with current organization). I seek the action and reaction, the vibrancy and activity that existed in the early church. However, I don’t wish a return to the difficulties of roman persecution and lack of religious freedom, nor do I wish to reencounter the rampant heresy that existed.


BeeMichelle said...

Proverbs 14:34 says "God-devotion makes a country strong; God-avoidance leaves people weak." I believe that we cannot avoid/separate God's teaching from our political choices. :)

thechromedog said...

So will devotion to God turn us into a Conservative Republican :) ?

Pieces Photography said...
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BeeMichelle said...


BeeMichelle said...

do you not think so?

thechromedog said...

No, I do not believe a Christians can pick a party on a few hot button issues and then give it Gods blessing. Do you think the republican party's stance embodies His heart for the poor or the down trodden? what Were Jesus words on taking vengeance against our enemies- and war?

The Pharisees tried to trap Jesus by their question on whom to pay taxes, hoping he would speak out against the Roman Government. Yet He would not be identified with a political position. Jews wanted Jesus to free them from Roman oppression- they had an agenda for Him, but He had a grander vision. God does not choose either party- because each party is lacking- and we know that God does not settle for less. I am not saying that we should not vote because no party represents Him, but I am suggesting that the party we pick should not simply be based on the supposed "christian popular opinion- I'm not convinced the political opinions of believers truly embody the choices of our Savor.

BeeMichelle said...

the poor: 1 Corinthians 13:3 says that "If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing." Plus I agree with the saying, Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, But teach a man how to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime.

war: Ecc. 3:8 says there will be "a time for war and a time for peace." God had the Israelites war with other nations (1 Samuel 15:3; Joshua 4:13; 1 Samuel 15:18).

abortion: Psalm 139:13 "knit me together in my mother's womb"; Exodus 21:22-23 talks of punishment if a baby is hurt while in the womb; not to mention the verses on protecting the innocent and the weak.

death penalty: The Bible talks about a life for a life in Gen.9. "bear the consequences of your sin" is also a phrase that is often used in Scripture and he ordered death for crimes (Exodus 21:12, 15; 22:19; Leviticus 20:11)

marriage: heb 13:4a "Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled..." and "Matthew 19:4-6 "Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."

Plus I want my right to bear arms and have ammo available if I want or need it :)

I hope this Scripture helps you understand where I am coming from and why I am so passionate and have trouble keeping quiet when I hear that people who love Christ are voting in a way that seems out of Christ's character when we are supposed to be reflections of Him.

I don't go by "Christian popular opinion"... i go by Scripture and I have yet to hear the Scripture that justifies voting for a party that supports abortion, etc. As I've often had this conversation with "Christian democrats" I have yet to have one give me Scripture that truly supports their position. . .

I'm not unreasonable- go ahead the give me the Scripture that proves me wrong :) I'm happy to learn and grow

thechromedog said...

Yes, there are stances of the republican party that is in line with what we believe, i.e. protecting marriage, being a good steward of finances, pro abortion, etc.

However, republicans also lack a biblical worldview on a number of areas, such as the environment. Christ died for all of creation. Was Jesus wrong when he suggested that God cares about the sparrows and knows when one falls? If God is the creator and we truly believe this, how could we be so casual about the death of something God purposely put on earth? And besides, pollution kills people. I believe God is a creator of everything we have and we should care for it. When it comes to the environment, the democrats do a much better job of caring for it then do republicans. I'm even more shocked how prevalent in this church is idea is that holding dominion over the earth means treating it like Shiz. Also, we ought to have more strict emissions standards because we should be stewards of the air God has given us

Second, I think Democrats have done a better job trying to care for the poor then the Republicans. in reference to the verse you cited; of course love should be the result of everything we do. But that verse is not excusing us from loving the poor. And sadly this is something that is lacking in many churches. Most churches gather money to spend it on themselves, not the poor. At least Democrats help me fulfill Christ’s command to care for the poor far better than most Republicans do. On a related note, the impulses to raise the minimum wage come from Democrats not Republicans.

As for Health care, it was a democratic president that pursued a nationalized system that considers justice and compassion over medical cartel’s profits. Think about the story of the Good Samaritan, in that story he payed the bills. Yet half the nation finds people beaten and bleeding by the road and responds with, “Take responsibility for your own problems” or “Too bad—your employer should have insurance.” If Christ spent such a huge amounts of his time healing the sick, then it must be of value to God, since Christ came to show us what God is like.

Historically Republicans have resisted on progress for women, Women should not be denied their rights because they are women. It is said by Jesus that we are neither slave nor free, male nor female in the kingdom of God, and we are to take those values into the world if we can.

I can keep going with other issues. For instance, excessive nationalistic military spending is a republican path, and is sinful for any nation regardless. I also believe the tobacco and alcohol industries should pay restitution for their evils, yet republicans often reward them by less regulation. I don’t buy into the notion that groups of people have no moral responsibility and that only individuals have such. Many big businesses are able to avoid taxes based on loop holes in the system- I think this should stop- doesn't it seem wrong to shift taxes from Boeing to Wal-Mart clerks? Democrats are usually better at calling for more taxes from corporations and rich people than Republicans, and are in my mind closer to the Biblical values of “of whom much is given much is required.”

thechromedog said...

Where’d we get the idea that a Christian should be for low taxes and against education? we need massive initiatives in education because the Bible calls us to bring up the next generation. When I was in France this past year, I learned that all french students get to go to school for free! Typically if you go to college in the US, then you rack up large amounts of debt.

And did I hear you mention that you want to bear arms? Is the “freedom to bear arms” a Christian position? You might argue for handguns as a “liberty” issue, a “constitutional issue” or as a matter of “liberty” and “freedom” but these are not Christian values but secular American values we have mistakenly taken to be religious. How would this apply to Christ’s teaching on turning the other cheek? Turn the other cheek, but shoot the person if he is trying to take your gun or your land? How about shoot the person if you want there land (as our ancestors did with the Native Americans in their pursuit for religious freedom) I believe if God’s “will was done on earth as it is in heaven” there’d be no handguns.

Many of these ideas I borrow from Keith Drury, a professor from IWU. Truthfully I am not a democrat or a republican, I am an independent. I vote for the positions of a person rather than a party. However, if I go into the voting booth and vote for a Democrat, it is not in spite of my faith, but because of it. Are there certain evils that the democratic party tends to support like abortion -Yes. However, if you seriously look at the Bible’s whole value system and apply it to the political parties today, well in my view the Democrats are a bit more Biblical than the Republicans.

You will also notice I did not cite any scripture... I don't like getting into scripture flinging competitions with other Christians. Too often I see this method used to condone behavior that to me seems obvious to God's nature. When I took theology and biblical literature, It helped me learn how to interpret scripture. Often Christens (myself included) lack the understanding of how to read and understand scripture. I believe the Word was God breathed... but I also know it was written in Hebrew and Greek. There are concepts in those languages that we can't even comprehend in our own. Translators have done a good job, but the process is by far perfect. Not to mention context is often left out when a verse is quoted. Churchmen Archbishop Stephen Langton and Cardinal Hugo de Sancto Caro determined different schemas for systematic division of the Bible in the early 13th century. It is the system of Archbishop Langton on which the modern chapter divisions are based, not how the works were originally written. When looking at scripture, it is best to use multiple commentaries to ensure accurate translation and context. Anyway, I digress. Thanks for your questions and comments. I really enjoy talking about this stuff, and I especially enjoy how you challenge me to think about things. I wished everyone held to their convictions as you do. I hope you realize as I have though, that not every conviction we have is in line with the Holy Spirit and His teachings. Well, I have to get back to the HW. Later.

BeeMichelle said...

I'm not gonna argue politics with you, Nate. :) I've been down that road and it's useless. I'm sorry you see using Scripture in a negative light. For me, I see it as the only foundation I have to stand on when it comes to my political choices. What does my opinion matter? Even those who agree on parties will have very different personal opinions- so all I can do to really show you my heart instead of my head is to give you God's Word on it. I don't "fling" this Scripture at you lightly, Nate. It comes from the overflow of my heart; God and His Word have to be so ingrained in who I am and how I believe that His words are my words and His heart is my heart and when they're not I have nothing to stand on.

I have personal opinions.. even some on God. I don't think that just because God is mindful when the sparrow falls that He cares for it more than babies :) I'm not saying don't care for the environment- but I'd never pick nature over human life. I don't believe the heart of God would either- there's a reason we're the only beings with souls.

I also have my opinions on helping the poor; I believe it's supposed to be a sign of Chris in us. When it's government mandated- it just giving without love- which is worthless really.

And you'll notice I didn't give you Scripture on the right to bear arms- but I do believe God wants us to defend and protect ourselves. Turn the other cheek doesn't mean don't protect yourself. If it did- why would God give abused women an escape clause when it came to divorce? My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit- I'm supposed to take care of it and that means being able to defend myself.

I just- I don't know. God isn't just knowledge and logic- He's a lot of heart. And my heart speeds up when I think about protecting innocent babies- not when I think about Education. My heart speeds up when I think about the amazing soldiers fighting to prevent further attacks on our country- not when I think about taxes. A lot of unGodly people have knowledge and logic- but they don't have my heart. So, I trust it more than my head. I trust the Holy Spirit inside me guiding those beats of my heart. You're wrong ya know- my convictions aren't out of line with the Holy Spirit. I know that for certain- to the core of who I am.

I guess because I know what a good heart you have I thoguht that you would have more of a "heart"felt argument for me. That you of all people would have Scripture and emotion and love bubbling out of why you believe what you believe. But what you gave me was something I could have read in a book. If you can't give me the heart and the Scripture behind your logic- then that's your choice and that's fine. It just doesn't affect me at all into your way of thinking... does that make sense?

thechromedog said...

I'm not sure what you mean, What you see as devoid of heart are issues that are very dear to me- on both sides of the party lines (environmentalism and abortion). Please don't take what I said as a personal attack though. I appreciate your thoughts, and I do understand where you come from. Also, I appreciate that you use scripture- know that my cynicism was not meant for you. I agree that God isn't just knowledge and logic- He's a lot of heart. When I spend time with God I encounter him with my heart more than I do with my head. However, when I discuss what he has laid on my heart then I tend to use logic. If I'm guilty of this when talking to you, then it's probably a job hazard- or a result of the medium I'm subjected to use.

BeeMichelle said...

well, I'm guilty of being ruled by my emotions :)