It was Plato in his work "Dialogues, Apology Greek philosopher in Athens" (469 BC - 399 BC) who wrote about his mentors phrase “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Supposedly Socrates said that at his trial for heresy, for his ideas challenge the accepted beliefs of the time. His message, think for oneself. The idea of introspection is examining oneself, and discovering why we do the things we do (both in thought and action). As a Christian I must point out that while I start with introspection, I don't end there. I get understanding from myself, but not answers. Still, it is important to understand oneself. This includes preconceived biases and beliefs, predispositions and dislikes. The celebrated psychologist Carl Jung once said: “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” It's often good to have our beliefs challenged, but as long as we seek to resolve those challenges. Here are a variety of questions that can help get you started (titles are listed above):
Sex/gender/sexual orientation
Is this something you embraced or struggled with.
Have you felt ostracized?
Did you siblings of opposite sex get treated differently as a child.
Do you feel you have adequate social support? How does your immediate family act to your choices in life? Do they reflect your families beliefs?
Socio economic level or Education
Did you feel that you had less opportunities that those around you.
Did you feel that education was highly valued in your family structure.
What is the education level of your parents?
How much of an impact does your religion play in your daily activities/life?
Does your religion limit that you can date/marry?
Have you felt discriminated in a work or social setting because of your beliefs?
Have you felt threatened by any others whose religion is difference than yours?
How does your age effect your sex life?
Have you ever felt victim to ageism?
Do you feel that western society has a greater appreciation for youth and beauty or age and wisdom.
Did you have a mid life crisis, and if so…how did it get flushed out.
Name a common misconception that you feel elders have with your generation
Political affiliation
Does your political affiliation coincide with your parents
Do people stereo type you based on your political affiliation
What are the stereotypes for your political beliefs.
Do you even follow politics?
Do you prefer the term disabled or handicap
What is word disability means to you
Is there a tendency for others to overly altruistic due to your disability
What is one myth that you would like to dispel about your condition.
1 comment:
I think this is an interesting study on the reasons that we respond in the ways that we do. And you're right, so often we do not think about things and we just continue with action, and can't get out of certain patterns, and the reason is feelings like this!
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