Monday, April 21, 2008

phantom dreams

I had two dreams about the x-girlfriend this week. Not sure why, but they were kinda weird. In both I broke up her relationship to get back together with her. I woke up in that state not knowing if it was a dream or reality. If you would ask me the question" Is it better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all".... that's never have's less painful.


BeeMichelle said...

We only hurt so deeply because we have the ability to love so deeply. It's actually a blessing, the way I see it. But, that doesn't make it easy. I'd rather love and lose... at least then I know I'm giving it my all while I have it. Regrets don't help us to grow... we learn from our past and we let it affect our future- that's how we grow. Anyway, those are just some thoughts from me-- you obviously don't have to agree with them. :)

thechromedog said...

I have to say I love your insightful comments, and your statement made perfect sense. But while a broken heart is a reminder to love deeply, does the ability to have a broken heart have to be a experience of love? I have to say though, your statement rings true to me though. Looks like it pays off to read all those Christian Romance novels :)

BeeMichelle said...

good question. I think, without love, our hearts can't break. It's like... how do you mourn for something that means nothing to you? However, "love" in no way has to be romantic... loving and losing, it applies to lots of things.