Monday, November 05, 2007

Measuring my life...

Do I rest enough....
Am I eating a balanced diet...
Do I exercise regularly...
Am I too stressed or to relaxed...
Am I taking times of solitude and quite....
Am I healthy?

Do I have a addiction to a drug, emotional feeling, TV show...
Do I control my feelings or do my feelings control me....
Do I rely on a drug or stimulant on a daily or weekly basis....
Do I over work myself..
Do I schedule times of solitude and quite...
Do I harm my body?

Do I spend time with those I love...
Does my time reflect my priorities...
What can I sacrifice today for the greater good...
Do I consume without limit...
Am I helping the helpless...
Do I build up or tear down my fellow man?

Do I only love those who love me....
Do I truly forgive and forget...
Do I welcome pain or try to avoid it...
Do I learn from my mistakes...
Do I have a goal or purpose in life?

Remember that thoughts become actions...actions become habits.....habits become character....character becomes destiny


Stranger Passing said...

Nope to most of those, Nate you are a good man

Anonymous said...

I don't know Brett but I agree you are a good man and a good friend.