How interesting it is in the Christian life that I haven't gotten in the habit to spiritually overcompensate. In fact, the idea was foreign to me till I heard A.W. Towzer mention it in a sermon. He also mentioned the following below:
Things that will fashion you whether you know it or not:
1. Literature you read- ideas fashion your mind like the author
2. Music you listen to- determines what your like inside
3. Pleasures we indulge in. nothing now, but look where it will lead in 15 years.
4. Ambitions we entertain- whatever you would like to be
5. Places we go- on way to heaven, where do you visit? Does it reflect where were going?
6. Words we speak- how careless we are with our speech, our jokes...
7. The friends we cherish- may be hardest aspect. Better break with certain friendships if you’re going to serve God. (Take up cross, turn our backs on everybody necessary, even family). Better have no friends but Christ, than full of friends in Sodom before it's destruction. Walk in counsel of Godly. To go back to this idea of overcompensation, combining it and the Christian walk makes sense, doesn’t it?
Most of my life I have undercompensated for Christ. Meaning; the time I spent with Him was minor, compared to all the other things I invested in my life in. It was five minutes of Christ, three hours of TV. 20 minutes of Prayer, 1 hour of homework. 3 hours hanging with friends, 10 minutes in God's Word. 1 hour eating, 0 time serving the poor. So what has changed? Not totally sure, but I know that the Sprit of the Lord is actively moving in me. I am not sure if my explanation grasps this radical change in my life, but the big change seemed to have occurred last week. I spent four hours in Romans, and afterward I felt cleansed, like God was once again my priority. It's not a hard process. Think about how people spend time tanning on the beach. What does one have to do get a tan? Does he/she have to negotionate with the sun to pour down on him/her? No, the Sun is always doing just that, all the individual has to do is take off his or her covering. Spending with Christ is the same way, we just expose ourselves to Him. My guess is we do this through Fellowship, His Word, Speaking Truth, and Prayer...etc. Then perhaps we will bear the mark, the evidence of being shined on from the Son. Never was a evil dead done that wasn’t thought about first. So Surrendering our time, our thoughts, our hearts to His service, then this Christian Life has begun. "God never tells us anything to get along without Him." - Towzer
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