For the will commands that an act of will should be made, and it gives this command to itself, not to some other will. The reason, then, why the command is not obeyed is that it is not given with the full will. For if the will were full, it would not command itself to be full, since it would be so already.
It is therefore no strange phenomenon partly to will to do something and partly not to will to do it.It is a disease of the mind which does not wholly rise to the heights where it is lifted by the truth, because it is weight down by habit. So there are two wills in us, because neither by itself is the whole will, and each possess what the other lacks.
-augustine (Confessions)

Today, six hours on Veoh
Yesterday, four hours
This past weekend, 27 hours
Since I have been in Grad school, 149 hours…and that’s only in 2 & 1/2 months!
Yeah, I would say I have an addiction. Not sure why it took me so long to realize it. I had the epiphany this morning. I was so mad for wasting my time on Veoh, and made up my mind to delete it, when I felt something resisting inside me. That is when I knew it was controlling me… It had to go. Trying to barter with anything that has a hold off you is always a loosing battle. So guess what I did this afternoon…yep, invested five hours on Veoh. Tonight I came to my second epiphany, that I can’t do this by myself. I need help, especially God’s. Claiming His death on the cross has helped me with addiction in the pass, and it can help me now. So if you’re reading this, ask me if I deleted it from my computer… I could use the accountability. The worst part about it is I had two test this week. If I can learn from such mistakes, than I am a better man for it. If I don’t learn and continue down this road, then I am a fool who is like a child who is invited to the Ocean by his father, but continues to play with mud in the dirt, ignorant to how grand the ocean is (paraphrased from a quote by C.S. Lewis).
It is therefore no strange phenomenon partly to will to do something and partly not to will to do it.It is a disease of the mind which does not wholly rise to the heights where it is lifted by the truth, because it is weight down by habit. So there are two wills in us, because neither by itself is the whole will, and each possess what the other lacks.
-augustine (Confessions)

Today, six hours on Veoh
Yesterday, four hours
This past weekend, 27 hours
Since I have been in Grad school, 149 hours…and that’s only in 2 & 1/2 months!
Yeah, I would say I have an addiction. Not sure why it took me so long to realize it. I had the epiphany this morning. I was so mad for wasting my time on Veoh, and made up my mind to delete it, when I felt something resisting inside me. That is when I knew it was controlling me… It had to go. Trying to barter with anything that has a hold off you is always a loosing battle. So guess what I did this afternoon…yep, invested five hours on Veoh. Tonight I came to my second epiphany, that I can’t do this by myself. I need help, especially God’s. Claiming His death on the cross has helped me with addiction in the pass, and it can help me now. So if you’re reading this, ask me if I deleted it from my computer… I could use the accountability. The worst part about it is I had two test this week. If I can learn from such mistakes, than I am a better man for it. If I don’t learn and continue down this road, then I am a fool who is like a child who is invited to the Ocean by his father, but continues to play with mud in the dirt, ignorant to how grand the ocean is (paraphrased from a quote by C.S. Lewis).