Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Today is Global Fast 07'...another great reminder that those that have much have a responsibility to those who have few. We were not given such luxury to lavish on our selves. Jesus would not be riding in expensive cars, going on cruises, or eating $20 meals while children were starving. Check out the link below to see what you can do....

$3,135 Provides a water well and pump for a needy community.

$2,600 Provides a house for a destitute family.

$750 Provides 5,000 pounds of rice and beans.

$150 Provides 1,000 pounds of rice and beans.

$135 Provides a water pump to a thirsty village.

$75 Provides 500 pounds of rice and beans

$54 Provides food for two children for one year.

$27 Provides food for a child for one year.

$15 Provides 100 pounds of rice and beans.

$10 Fast for a day and donate what you would've spent on food.

Thanks be to the Lord that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, we are forgiven of our apathy, so let us no longer be apathetic to the needs of humanity.

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