Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hmmm, another romantic thing I did? When I asked a special someone to be my girlfriend, I did more than just ask. I made her a candlelight dinner with creamy Parmesan Alfredo, garlic bread, some side dish, and a cheesecake for desert. I also bought her a bear with the bear hugging a note. I have now idea what I said in the note, but I do remember the bear also had a CD on its lap. My roommate helped me to make a CD for her, and on it I am singing her a song about how much I care for her. I wrote it and ruined it after I sang it (because I sing so badly). The underlying message was that I wanted her to date me. I even humiliated myself by singing just to prove it. Final thoughts? I really hope that song never gets out on the Internet.


Anonymous said...

Nate.. What can I say except after hearing that no matter how good or bad you may sing, that is the sweetest way i have ever heard of anyone just simply asking someone to date them.

S.I. said...

HI Nate! Remember me? We were friends freshman year from whataver the small group is that we jump through stuff and get dirty. After that we somehow became more of aquaintances..but anyway, here's a greeting from an old...aquaintance?! :-) Your post was sweet--I like the part in the other one where you talked about acting in a way conducive to your age. That was actually a very mature thing to say...

BeeMichelle said...

if you ever make me dinner... i like cheeseburgers. :-) i don't know what's going on in life with you, that makes me sad. Lately i've let go of some friendships-- i'm not ready to let go of ours. I know I'm hard to get ahold of (i wish I didn't hate the phone so much) and i've done a lot of pulling away from people that see through me (people like you) and I'm sorry. But know that i'm always here- sometimes I'm just in the background-- but i don't plan on ever leaving the picture entirely... so I'm here- that's all i wanted to say.