stagnant (stgnnt)adj.
1. Not moving or flowing; motionless.
2. Foul or stale from standing: stagnant ponds.
A. Showing little or no sign of activity or advancement; not developing or progressing; inactive: a stagnant economy.
B. Lacking vitality or briskness; sluggish or dull: a stagnant mind.
The definition for stagnant, so there is no question on what I mean by stagnant. Can one be stagnant in life? If I am sitting in a pond perfectly still, the water is stagnant around me. In life, can we be sitting still in stagnant water? Although life may feel like that at times, I consider that feeling only an illusion. Any movement in the still water can create a ripple, and with the rapids of life in time moving all around us, we are anything but stagnant. I will say this though, if you?re not swimming or moving, you?re being sucked under with the current. I want to be one of those stubborn people who refuse to move with the current, instead fighting it. But the next dilemma that comes is exhaustion. Like those who struggle against an under toe, struggling may cause us to drowned. So now what do you do? You swim with strength that?s not of your own, that?s out of this world (I am referring to strength that comes from the Holy Spirit). But do not be deceived my friend to think that you are living a stagnant life in stagnant waters. In rapids such as the rapids of life, we can only wish to be stagnant. If you think you?re stagnant, perhaps something else is occurring. Perhaps you?re drowning.