Thursday, November 18, 2010

Designing a web interface and.... woah, I'm a Glutton!

While looking at blogs to get ideas for designing a User Interface, I came across this phrase (linked here)
Most people think of gluttony in terms of eating. However, the more generic definition of this sin is over-consuming something to the point that it is wasted. It’s a desire to consume more than you can possibly consume.
Wow, I realize recently I have become a glutton for movies. Why? Is it because I download on average 6 movies a day? Is it because my Netflix in-box has 250 movies saved in its queue? Is it because I have two hard drives with about 500 gigabytes filled with movies? Is it because I have around 200 movies on DVD? Is it because I have an accounts at nine different video stores in the midwest? Is it because I know of all the web sights where you can watch free movies/TV? (,,,,,,,,,,,,, .....).

While these are all symptoms of gluttony, I don't believe any alone represent my depravity. They are symptoms, not its source.

I identify myself as a glutton because I acquire so much more than I'm able to consume. Why do I do it? Because I can never have enough... because it is a habit....because I am sinful. We as humans are all to familiar with self destructive tenancies.

I recognize this tendency in my life. Please God, now give me the desire and strength to break it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

a dream within a dream....

Last night I had a dreamed that I was dreaming about my ex girlfriend. It is weird to have a dream in a dream. Then in my dream I was analyzing what I needed to do in response to my dream. In my dream was planning how I would get her back. It was interesting because I don’t think about her much anymore, however she still seems to haunt my subconscious. Why is it that there are those who still haunt us despite having little to do with our current lives? People who have left their mark so vividly that even in their absence they haunt our dreams. Be wary of the people you entrust yourself to. The impact they have may be far greater than you can ever realize.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Driving vs. Crashing Through Life...

Yesterday one of my housemates (and the nephew of the landlord) wrecked his car. Somehow he managed to hit a guardrail head on. As I heard him arguing with his uncle in a mixture of Polish/English, It made me reflect on an epiphany I had come to the week before while reading Tim Kellers Counterfeit Gods. To really dive into it, I need to introduce it as it was revealed to me.
Have you ever found yourself frantically search for your keys as you contemplate on being late for an appointment or work? If not, I commend you..., and you're a weirdo. For those more normal individuals who occasional find themselves misplacing things, this may strike a cord. I assure you there is a sense of urgency, and you experience a sense of tunnel vision where nothing else matters. The reasoning behind this is simple, if we can't find our keys then we can't get to where we need to go.
In Ephesians 2 we here Paul talk about the same dependence. Why don't I radically pursue Christ like I do when I lost my keys? Don't I realize I will never be able to drive on the Christian Road of life without Him? My past week I did little this to seek Jesus, and the byproduct was a multitude of selfish decisions. However, focusing on not making those selfish decisions is fruitless, because if I did not want to make them I would not have. My problem is I need to change not just behavior, but the mind in heart that leads to such behavior. Despite what psychology has taught me, I seem to be unable to do on my own. Therefor, absolute surrender seems to be the only option.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Life in Christ

Chapter 3 of Collossians has such a similar message to the one Tim Keller Presents in Counterfeit Gods. Tim's Message focuses on the Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power. Paul's message is that "we are to be concerned about heavenly things". This section is not a 10 point bulleted list of ways to "live the Christian life"... but rather something so simple it is easily missed, "Set your mind on things above...". If I lost my keys, I would look for them where I suspect I lost them. I wouldn't do anything else before I find them, probably because I wouldn't be able to get where I am going without them. I need to be as passionate when finding true life "In Christ", I must go where Christ is, and seek Christ, for only then will I be able to get anywhere in the Christian life.