"I am 13 years old. I come from Bagato village a few kilometres away from Hangu city. I was admitted to the Madrassa Tajweedual Quran two years ago. The Holy Koran is comprised of 30 chapters and I have learnt seven chapters by heart so far. "
This was quoted by Muhammad Hashim who is on his way to completing the Hiffaz (which is learning the Koran by heart). He is one of many Islamic males who embark this quest, and it would seem many finish in their mid twenties. Few I find show such devotion to a book. When was the last time that you or I were so devoted to a book that we set out to memorize every word on every page? I am a servant of Jesus Christ, and I am shamed to say that I perhaps spend .1% of my day specifically devoted to memorization. It is true that I am not sure what motivates such individuals, perhaps legalism or parental pressure. That dose not excuses my ability to be easily sidetracked. Video games, television, movies, they may not all be bad, but what part do they play in my future. What impact will I reverberate in our world by spending my time playing Video Games? Even if I donât believe in Muhammad Hasimâs God and recognize that his studies are in vain, he could teach me a lot about dedication and priorities. May I be as devoted to my One True God as Muhammad Hasim is to his. You can see the interview with Hashim and others at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talking_point/4715235.stm#muhammad